Entry / Visa Requirement

  1. You must have a valid Schengen Area visa or be a Schengen Area country resident (best option).
  2. You need to have any documentation that might be required at a border check into Croatia and the Schengen Area. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs or State Department of your particular country should have entry requirements posted online.

Before You Come

  1. Declare your trip by filling out the Visa Form at border.liberland.org.
  2. Transport: If you have a car, please consider sharing a ride with fellow Liberlanders.
  3. Documents: Bring your passport. Ensure you can enter the Schengen Area.
  4. Avoid: If going from Serbia and visiting the Batina border crossing, leave behind any Liberland memorabilia like flags or pins. Do not mention Liberland as part of your travel plans. Non-EU and especially US individuals should avoid this border crossing.
  5. Non-Schengen Area nationality? You must register your stay at the MUP up to two days after arrival. Recommended: on the first day. This is not so much for a stay in Liberland, which is not Croatia, but for your stay on Liberty.